Sunday, May 25, 2008


Our dog Stella torn her ACL in her left leg about two months ago. She was scheduled to have surgery on May 27th. We had to wait to have the surgery until she was finished with her medication for her anemia. Two weeks ago she was running in the back yard and blew out her Right knee..unbelievable. Poor thing at that point she had no use of either leg. We had to carry her around the house. Given this new development, we took her in for surgery the next day on the right leg. The good news is she is healing quickly and is able to get around. WE are told that she will be as good as new. Our bionic dog.....we can rebuild her. 

Stella has at least a 6 week recovery, and is not allowed to walk down stairs so we have to carry her down the stairs. To make it easier for Stella , Suzanne has built a ramp off the back deck. The things we do for our pets. Check this out!!! I came home from my shoot in the desert and Suzanne had built this ramp. As if have 15 staples in her leg isn't bad enough Stella has to wear this silly collar (see photo above) around her neck to keep her from get to her staples. Stella gets her staples out next week. At some point when the right leg is healed enough, Stella will have to do it all aver again and have another surgery on her Left leg.....and I thought it was cats that had nine lives.

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