Tuesday, September 16, 2008


While we were in Bend we decide to take Jim's family and Chic to see our friend Cheri's ranch. Cheri is an agency producer like myself, living outside of Bend. It has always been Cheri's dream to own a ranch....and now it is a reality. Cheri bought the land 12 yeas ago and has been slowly building over the years. She has built a lodge, stables, Equestrian center, boarding facility. All the horses currently at her reanch are horses she has rescued and retrained. They nwo have a good home. 

Cheri has created an incredible place... I was blown away. She has alway talked about it and I have seen it on her website www.ghostrockranch.com but to see it in person is a whole other thing. Upon arriving at the ranch we meet an ranch hand...a real cowboy who introduced himself and brought over a horse for the kids to ride named Honey. We all fell in love with Honey. Cheri arrived from a ride with her favorite horse Jake. We were taken on a tour of her ranch below are some photos of the tour. 

By the way....You can even stay at Ghost Rock , there is a beautiful lodge and other one bedroom cabins on the property, Cheri would love to have you. 

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