Thursday, October 16, 2008


Rockin' out at the Lake. Mel on drums, zanny on Guitar and Mom on vocals.

I look forward to this every year. My favorite place in the world the Lake. 

We kicked back for a week and 1/2. The day we got there it was my Mothers birthday. We had a nice dinner with the folks. Next day Billy came up with his kids Alex and Ryan and their  friends. It was great to see everyone. Billy and I told stories to his kids about all the things we did when we were young growing up at the lake. We spent every summer as kids up at the lake, so for me it is coming home. It is home. Thank goodness Suzanne likes it there as well.

 We went to the new Woodstock museum, which I highly recommend. We saw the preservation jazz band from New Orleans at Betel Woods. I took a painting class with my Dad one day, we went out on our new paddle board, or course I water skied. Scrabble games by the lake, watched humming birds fly, played golf, played rock band for the first time. Even my mother was a rock star. Fun times!! 

The following weekend Lori and Maria came up as well as Michele and Kim with their family. Michele's nieces had a great time riding the tube.  Ahh if only I could spend more time at the lake during the summer. It is so hard to leave. Until nest year.....

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