Friday, October 17, 2008


So I am finally up to date(ish). I finished up my freelance project in late September, even though I was on the east coast for the month of August it was a working vacation of sorts. Since then I have been unemployed. Seems that the credit, bank crisis has stopped a lot of Advertising spending. I have a number of friends that are freelance producers and we are all unemployed. We are now know as the ladies who lunch. We started going out to lunch once a week to bitch about the fact that we are not working and discuss how unproductive we all are when not employed. 

I have actually take this time to get lots of personal projects done that I never have time for such as putting my photos on a stock footage website to try and make some extra cash. I have also be doing a lot of commissioned pet paintings. In fact I just completed a website of my latest work. You can click on the link under our favorite links section. to the left. It is called
check it out above are few samples.

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